Spectacular weekend by Team NOX. Things were already looking very promising on Saturday when 5 members of Team NOX reached the semi-finals at the WPT Granada Open. Miguel Lamperti and Franco Stupaczuk in the men´s category and Gemma Triay, Lucía Sainz and Ariana Sánchez in the women’s category were all just one step away from the final.

On Sunday, our Team completed an historic double. First, Gemma and Lucía left Ariana Sánchez and Marta Ortega with no chance in a women´s final where we were able to see 3 out of the 4 players in the final sporting the colours of Team NOX. It was a well-deserved victory for the Menorca and Barcelona players and a great week for the player from Reus. 

Then, Franco Stupaczuk was crowned champion with a brutal display of play, offering a padel master class to stage a comeback after losing the first set (2/6 7/6 6/2), thus defeating the number 1 ranked players of the WPT rankings. Amazing tournament for the player from Chaco Province.

But the good news didn´t just come from Granada. In Malaga our warrior Vanesa Alonso was crowned Seniors World Champion in two different categories: teams with the Spanish national side and also in doubles in the +35 category. 


In turn, the junior NOX Team did not want to miss out and also joined the party of great results. Milena Rojas and Noa Cánovas took the title in Junior Master Final held in Mallorca, while Alexandra Torralba reached the final and Roberto Lorente reached the semi-finals after both had a great tournament. 

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Siii!! Nos proclamamos campeonas del Master de España celebrado en Mallorca. Despues de ganar tres partidos y pasar como primeras de grupo, ayer ganamos las semifinales contra Sofi y Ari en un partido muy duro. Hoy nos hemos quitado la espinita de la final del campeonato de España y hemos ganado 7/5 2/6 6/2 contra Marta y Lorena, muy contentas por el rendimiento dado en este torneo, a seguir con mas ganas que nunca!!! Muchas gracias a @pakillo7 por hacernos de coach. A mis sponsors @noxpadel @100x100padel @cosisport y @pablocrosetti por estar siempre ahí. Por último dar gracias a mi familía que aunque no han podido estar conmigo en estos dias tan especiales para mi, que sepan que todo esto es gracias a ellos y que sin su ayuda no habria podido conseguir lo que hasta hiy en dia he podido conseguir. GRACIAS A TODOS❤️

Una publicación compartida de Milena Rojas (@padelmile) el




Alexandra Torralba (segunda por la derecha), subcampeona del Master Final de Menores

We are very proud of you, Team NOX!!


Photos: World Padel Tour