Nox refuerza su apuesta por Alemania con la incorporación de Johannes Lindmeyer y Matthias Wunner - NOX

Nox strengthens its commitment to Germany with the addition of Johannes Lindmeyer and Matthias Wunner

We continue to expand our entourage of national heroes with the addition of Johannes Lindmeyer and Matthias Wunner, one of the most consolidated couples of German padel, to Team Nox....
Seguimos apostando por los mejores: Edu Alonso se suma al Team Nox como uno de los nuevos pilares de la marca - NOX

We continue betting on the best: Edu Alonso joins Team Nox as one of the new pillars of the brand.

At Nox we trust in talent, passion and excellence as the essence to maintain our positioning and boost the growth of padel at an international level. Therefore, the incorporation of...
Nox apuesta por el crecimiento del pádel en los Estados Unidos con la incorporación de Vinny Di Francesco - NOX

Nox bets on the growth of padel in the United States with the addition of Vinny Di Francesco

We take a step further in the reinforcement of Team Nox with the addition of Vinny Di Francesco. With only 18 years old, Vinny has shown an exceptional talent that...
Nox, marca oficial de Vila Pickleball: Un paso más en la profesionalización del pickleball en España - NOX

Nox, official brand of Vila Pickleball: One more step in the professionalization of pickleball in Spain.

This 2025 marks a milestone in the history of Nox, with the launch of our first pickleball collection, reaffirming our commitment to this sport in full expansion. In line with...
Nox trae de vuelta al número 1 de Portugal, Vasco Pascoal - NOX

Nox brings back Portugal's No. 1, Vasco Pascoal

NOX continues to bet on the best talent in each country with the incorporation of Vasco Pascoal to Team NOX, reinforcing its commitment to the growth of padel internationally. Being...
Nox brilla en los PadelSpain World Padel Awards: Premio al mejor jugador y a la mejor pala - NOX

Nox shines at the PadelSpain World Padel Awards: Best Player and Best Racket Awards

The tenth edition of the PadelSpain World Padel Awards has once again recognized excellence in the world of padel, and NOX has been one of the great protagonists of the...
Oscar Sebber, número 1 de Dinamarca, se suma al Team NOX - NOX

Oscar Sebber, Denmark's No. 1, joins Team NOX

We are happy to announce the addition of Oscar Sebber, the talented Danish player and current Danish National Champion, to Team NOX. Sebber is one of the most promising young...
Victoria Iglesias y Marina Guinart, una dupla de élite, se unen al Team Nox - NOX

Victoria Iglesias and Marina Guinart, an elite duo, join Team Nox

From the brand we are proud to announce the incorporation of a new elite duo to Team Nox: Victoria Iglesias and Marina Guinart. With this union, we once again have...
NOX, Pala y Mochila Oficial de Series Nacionales de Pádel - NOX

NOX, Official Racket and Backpack of the National Padel Series

We are proud to announce the strategic agreement that NOX has reached with the National Padel Series (SNP) to become the Official Racket and Backpack of the biggest amateur competition...


We are pleased to announce the return of Javier Valdés, the best padel player in Chile and a recurring figure in the final tables of Premier Padel tournaments, the most...
Nox asegura por segundo año consecutivo el cierre de temporada con dos números uno: Agustín Tapia y Nico Gianotti reafirman su reinado - NOX

Nox secures for the second consecutive year the season's closing with two number ones: Agustín Tapia and Nico Gianotti reaffirm their reign

Agustin Tapia in the framework of the celebration of the Mexico Major Premier Padel ensured mathematically close the season as world number one of the reference circuit at the professional...
Agustín Tapia suma su séptimo título consecutivo en Kuwait - NOX

Agustín Tapia wins his seventh consecutive title in Kuwait

This weekend Agustín Tapia was crowned champion of the Kuwait Premier Padel P1, reaffirming his position as one of the best players in the circuit and adding his seventh consecutive...